Pan African University,
Institute of Water and Energy Sciences

“It was an exciting job: The Studio was tasked with developing a completely new Corporate Design for the Institute of Water and Energy Sciences in Algeria. The organisation of this project was also a challenge as the Studio was commissioned before the Institute had opened and so the administrative structures were still being set up.“ 

Setting up the Institute of Water and Energy Sciences in Algeria

Securing a sustainable water and energy supply, and adjusting to climate change are central issues for Africa. The Institute in Algeria has been founded with the aim of creating a centre of education to international standards for graduate and PhD programmes. Germany is a participant in setting up the Institute in Algeria with 20 million Euro. The Institute is part of the Pan African University, which was founded by the African Union. Four other institutes for other scientific fields are being set up in western, eastern, southern and central Africa. More information on the project can be found here.

Developing a communications strategy

The Studio was commissioned before the Institute opened. To make potential students and teaching staff aware of the new international scientific institutions, the Institute needed a communications strategy. The only element that was already fixed was the logo of the Pan African University; this had already been decided by the African Union, and had to be incorporated.

Corporate Design for the Institute

In a Corporate Design Workshop held in Berlin with Algerian representatives of the Institute and project team leaders on the German side, the basis of the communications strategy was worked out.

With climatic change as the focus, the Institute stands out for its engagement in innovative scientific areas. This desire for innovation had to be reflected in the communications. As Corporate Design colours, blue for water and green for energy were specified. The play with geometric forms emphasises the youthful character of the Institute. The slogan “Advancing Africa” stands inside a green triangle, that is reminiscent of a start button.

Learning together – Making friends

The focus of the visual language is the students. The Institute is shown as a place where like-minded people meet, learn together, do research in teams, and make friends. The students, who are supported with scholarships, come from across Africa. The visual language works to dispel any anxieties of applicants that they might be lonely in a foreign land. At the same time, it is with deliberate intent that many female students and teaching staff are placed in the foreground so as to encourage women to apply for a place at the university.

The different communication channels

On the Website, which is optimised for smartphones and tablets, potential applicants can inform themselves in advance.

The key points contained in the website can also be read in a DIN A5 brochure. The 68-page Student Guide was produced locally for the first semester by a member of the GIZ working with a team of students. The Student Guide aims to help freshers find their feet in the new surroundings. It gives practical tips and also has a city plan showing all the interesting places for the students drawn in.

For the opening ceremony of the Institute, roll-ups and posters were designed. These can also be used at conferences.

To make the Institute on the huge campus in the city of Tlemcen better known (altogether there are 40,000 students), publicity material was produced for the students of the Institute. Thus the students received cotton bags, laptop cases, USB sticks, aluminium drinks bottles, solar-powered torch key rings, as well as ballpoint pens printed with the logo of the Institute.

  • Services provided:
    Corporate Design development
    Letter-headed paper and business cards
    Concept and design of the Website
    Brochure Student Guide, DIN long, 68 pages
    Brochure PAUWES, DIN A5, 16 pages
    Flyer, DIN long, 8 pages | Folder for DIN A4 contents
    Posters in DIN A1 and DIN A0
    Roll-up system for events
    Design of promotional items such as laptop case, USB stick, aluminium drinks bottles, ball-point pens, cotton carrier bag, solar-powered torch key ring
  • Programming of website:
  • Text of website and general brochure: Regine Kreitz, Ellen Thalman
  • Text of Student Guide: Holger Radke and students in Tlemcen
  •  Customer: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Addis Abeba Office, Ethiopia